Pete DiPrimio, sports columnist and college beat writer for The News-Sentinel of Fort Wayne, Ind., takes his best shots on the world of Hoosier basketball.

Wednesday, November 15

Will Practice Make Perfect?

Can you believe the Indiana Hoosiers are undefeated and coming off an impressive victory and looking to add more...

Oops. That's the women's team. The men's team, the one that was so close to earning a trip to New York City next week, those guys are in for a long week of practice.

Blowing a late 12-point lead and losing to mid-major Butler isn't shock-the-world huge, but it is a big disappointment for a program looking to make an early statement under new coach Kelvin Sampson.

Losing in the second round of the Preseason NIT means the Hoosiers won't advance to next week's Final Four at Madison Square Garden. Instead of getting to test themselves against Tennessee and, most likely, North Carolina, they get a week of practice. Instead of getting a little sightseeing in around Times Square, they get a week of practice.

In the long run, D.J. White (pictured) and the gang might be better off. In the short run, well, we'll get back to you after Friday's Indiana State game.


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